Jacksonville Jaguars quarterback Blake Bortles provides football camp for 500 local boys and girls

The Jacksonville Orthopaedic Institute (JOI) Foundation and the Blake Bortles Foundation have partnered to enable JaxPAL to provide a free-of-charge camp to not only children served by JaxPAL but also to youth in our community ages 5 to 16. The camp will provide youth a fun, safe and engaging day of learning skills like agility, proper stances, throwing techniques, catching techniques and much more.

“JOI wanted to create a special event to help raise awareness for JaxPAL and provide athletic training tips, and injury prevention education for JaxPAL and local youth athletes,” said Dr. Bruce Steinberg, director of the JOI Foundation. “We are very excited to team up with Blake and help the kids of JaxPAL.”

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